For years, I’ve watched the lives of people who’ve done (or are doing) extraordinary things in the world and reflected on what it is that enables them to fly while most people struggle.
I concluded that above all other principles of success exists one truth: They are DEEPLY connected to and ignited by their purpose in life.
In other words…
They know exactly who they are and what they are born to do.
This connection to their purpose gives them vision for the future, a bigger dream to aspire for, and an inspiring focus beyond the challenges they face today – internal or external.
The presence of their higher calling brings meaning to every day of their life and gives them a reason to rise up, no matter the obstacles they meet on the path.
It drives them, fuels them, strengthens, and empowers them.
Their purpose is a vital building block and starting point for every great achievement, inspiring work, masterpiece, life-transforming contribution, and message they share.
Here are 10 questions to help you connect with yours.
Question 1: What makes you feel the most alive?
Your purpose in life is the reason you were born. It is the source of your life force. Therefore, when you are pursuing it, you feel the most alive from within. You feel switched on, awake, alert, present, and grateful to be alive.
People who are disconnected from their calling and purpose feel flat, down, and apathetic about life. Their results reflect this. But those who let their purpose LIGHT them up, light up the world and live amazing lives.
Question 2: If you could spend your life doing just one thing, what would it be?
It’s all too easy to let your life become flooded with tasks, responsibilities, projects, and opportunities that seem important on the surface, but that don’t inspire you deep down.
The key to succeeding and thriving in pursuit of your purpose is to focus on what you would love to do – and do as much of it as possible.
Structure and streamline your life around it.
Centre your business on it.
Surrender to it.
That is how you achieve mastery and fill your daily life with meaning: by focusing on the one higher purpose for your life.
Question 3: What do you feel that you were born to do?
Through all the experiences you have had and the skills you have acquired, what do you feel that you were born to do, above all else?
Every single human being was born with an equally important role to play in the world. Step back and look at your life from a far higher perspective. Then ask yourself: What is my role? What was I uniquely born and designed to do?
Question 4: What are you doing when you experience the greatest sense of meaning?
Nothing will bring you a greater sense of meaning than following your purpose in life, whether that is to write, paint, dance, sing, become a parent, build a business, or stand on stages globally.
In discovering your purpose, you will discover a whole world of meaning inside you – and know what you want to do in the world around you.
Question 5: On the last day of your life, what do you hope you have achieved or done most of?
Imagine for a moment that your time on Earth is done and that you’re now reflecting on the many years of your life. What would you want to see?
Question 6: What inspires you to the point where you have tears in your eyes?
Those moments when you feel so deeply inspired that you have tears in your eyes – or even running down your face – are revealing your purpose to you.
They are showing you who you truly are and what matters the most to you.
Question 7: Who in the world is doing something that inspires you? Why?
Sometimes we can gain clarity on our own purpose by watching what others around us are doing. It can help us to narrow down the pathways until we find our own.
Study the lives and careers of the people who inspire you – and identify which parts move YOU. Use it as inspiration for your future.
Question 8: What do you feel called to do (above all else)?
In those moments where you feel stripped bare and open-hearted, what do you feel called to do the most? What do you care about most?
Listen carefully to your soul and feel your heart guiding you… your calling is speaking to you, 24 hours a day, waiting for you to follow it.
Question 9: What problem do you care about most in the world?
No one sees the world the same way you do. This means that there is a problem you see in the world that no one else does – and that you have a unique solution for it that no one else does.
By pursuing your purpose, you CAN make a difference.
You CAN be significant.
Question 10: What contribution would you ultimately love to make to the human race?
When all is said and done, what legacy do you want to leave behind in you in the world? What do you have inside you that you would love to share with people?
Make the absolute most of your time here and make your life matter – to you and to those around you.
Don’t let the voices of the world around you or the events of the past drown out the clarity on what your purpose is. It IS there, and if you seek it, you will find it.
From that place, you can create exactly the life you would love to live.
So… focus on what you would love to do and on who you dream of being, because a greater life is beckoning to you RIGHT NOW.
Step forwards, follow your heart, and claim it.