It’s a fact: money struggles happen sometimes.
For some people, they happen more often. For others, not so much. But regardless, we all encounter them along the way.
Here are 3 BIG mistakes we tend to make when we are faced with a financially-tight time in our lives:
1. We freak out and think that the sky is collapsing in on us.
I used to worry often: about my purpose in life, about my writing, about my relationships, about my business, and yes, about money.
But then I realised after years of approaching my problems with “Sh*t, I’m screwed” and “What if I’m not okay?” that… well… it SUCKS to deal with challenges that way (with worry).
So, I began learning how to do two valuable things: STOP and BREATHE.
From that place, we become present, and when we become present, we become quiet inside. In that quiet, there is always ALWAYS a little whisper telling us what to do, where to go, or who to speak to, to solve our problems.
We start seeing solutions instead of obstacles,
Receiving ideas instead of staying stuck,
Finding our way through – our way forwards.
Remember: life is on your side, and it wants to help you. But, you have to help yourself first before it can step in and put air beneath your wings.
2. We close off to the world around us.
Like many other challenges we can experience being human, money struggles can trigger us to withdraw from the world. They can ’cause’ us to go silent and inward, almost as though we are in hiding (survival mode).
But here’s the thing: suffering in silence ALSO sucks.
When we withdraw from the world instead of opening up, we shut off the solutions and opportunities that can help us to overcome the very challenge that triggered us to want to vanish to begin with.
And so, learning to OPEN UP instead of close down when the road becomes rough is crucial.
Not only are there SO many people who can help you – and they might be just a message or phone call away – but it is vital for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being that you don’t let your worries fester inside you.
(My rule is to never hold a problem inside me for more than a day.)
3. We focus on the MONEY.
When faced with a money problem, we think what we need is more money to solve it; a big bag of cash, if you will.
While there is truth to this, it helps to reframe our perspective on it – as focusing solely on the money often pushes it away from us.
Instead of feeling desperate for $1,000 or $10,000 or $100,000 (whatever the amount is), focus on what you can do to bring that money in.
Focus on your CLIENTS.
Focus on your OPPORTUNITIES.
Focus on your SERVICE.
In other words, focus on what you can offer to the world in exchange for what you need (which isn’t limited to money on its own, by the way – you also have an underlying need to love what you do and draw spiritual meaning from your work).
By focusing on service, you will manifest the money quicker.
SIDENOTE: Sometimes receiving a bunch of money is only a band-aid solution to a bigger problem e.g. a problem with your business model or marketing that needs resolving for your financial future to shift dramatically.
….. SO….
When faced with a money struggle – or any other kind of struggle in life – try the following:
— Instead of thinking that your life is over, look for how this day is just the beginning of the greatest adventure yet
— Instead of curling up in a ball and hiding from the world, open your arms wide… and ask for help <3
— Instead of focusing on money, focus on the privileged opportunity you have to earn a living doing what you love and making a difference in the lives of many
You’ve got this x