The Truth About Pursuing Your Dreams

When it comes to giving your dreams all they’ve got, the truth is:

You will not always feel capable, amazing, or on top of the world – sometimes it will feel like the world is on top of you.

You won’t always feel ‘up’ or ‘motivated’, ambitious, driven and gung-ho – sometimes getting out of bed and pulling on some clothes will be the toughest gig of all.

You will question yourself, your abilities, and your worth on many occasions – sometimes believing in your own greatness will feel like believing in the tooth fairy.

You will struggle, run into roadblocks, fall on your face, feel uncomfortable, and be stretched beyond personal limits you didn’t even know you had.

But, what’s also true is this…

That the journey WILL be the most rewarding one you ever take,

That moments of deep meaning and humbling love will happen when you least expect it,

That blessings and miracles will show up at every turn, if you look for them,

That opportunities will appear when you think it’s the end of the road,

That the work you do to master your craft and unlock your potential will reap dividends for life,

That the growth and healing you experience while pursuing your purpose will be a reward in and of itself,

And that every single thing you face along the way will reveal to you the LOVE and MAGNFICENCE that exists at the very core of who you are.

You will discover the greatest gift there is: YOU.

With every moment that stretches you, you will be strengthened,

With every moment you are challenged, your character will be deepened,


With every moment you are tested, your greatness will be revealed.

There is no more meaningful way to live than to be faithful to what your soul yearns to do.



To what you love,

To who you are,

And to the highest purpose for your existence on Earth.

To share your gift with the world.



I'm Emily Gowor

After overcoming near-suicidal depression earlier in my journey, I turned my life around! I found my purpose and grew a 6-figure career & business inspiring people to reach for more. I can’t wait to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

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