Be Patient & Persistent With Your Goals

TRUTH: To fulfill your dreams and achieve your goals, you’re going to need to be patient and persistent LONG past the point you expect.

There will be challenges along the way.
Things won’t pan out exactly how you want them to or expect them to.
You’ll run into obstacles and feel defeated: by technology, by learning curves, by people’s opinions, or your own inner self-talk.
The vision you began with will need to evolve, many times.
The work required will push you to go deeper and get clearer on who you are and what you truly care about.
The results might take longer to happen and the momentum won’t necessarily build overnight or with one single action.

To sustain the journey to the top – to the fulfillment of the dream inside your heart – you will need to learn to dance with whatever it is that faces you on your path.

You’ll need to be adaptable.
Willing to adjust.
Willing to grow.
Willing to be challenged.
Willing to open your mind.
Willing to look inside your heart.
Willing to go beyond what is familiar.
Willing to give things time.
Willing to heal your past.
Willing to learn new skills.
Willing to level up.
Willing to expand yourself.

Patience and persistence WILL be required.

That type of patience and persistence comes from 3 things:

1. An undying connection with your purpose in life

Knowing to your core who you are and what you were born to do gives you an endless source of fuel for the journey. Your purpose acts as your compass, guiding you through the twists and turns, and pulls you through the challenges with heart and inspiration.

2. Conviction and belief in your vision

You must see your dreams made manifest in your mind before they can show up around you. The vision you see of how your life can be, the difference you can make in the world, and what is possible for you in the process will be your guiding light that shows you where to go and what to do next. Trust it.

3. Deep-seated self-worth and love

In other words, feeling so deserving of the opportunity to thrive in pursuit of your purpose that nothing – ESPECIALLY not yourself – stops you on the path of achieving what you are capable of.

The time and challenges we must endure to see our goals to fruition is not a personal attack from the universe – and the fact that we trip up along the way does not mean that we aren’t worthy of our achievement.

It just means that more growth has to happen for us to reach the destination in mind.


Make sure that you don’t short-circuit yourself along the way.
Don’t let one, two or ten ‘failures’ stop you from moving in the direction you most want to go.

Instead – live BOLDLY in pursuit of your goals.

Be the biggest advocate you know for what you feel born to do.
Keep following the calling inside you that tells you where your potential truly lies.
And, no matter what happens today or tomorrow or next week or next year,
KEEP BELIEVING in the dream of how your life can be.

Let the voice of greatness inside you be louder than any noise from the world around you – or the emotional mind within you.

THAT is mastery.
It’s how we overcome our obstacles and fulfill our true capacity as human beings.
It’s how we experience the greatness within us.

You can do this.
You’ve got this
You were born for this.

Go forth and thrive.


I'm Emily Gowor

After overcoming near-suicidal depression earlier in my journey, I turned my life around! I found my purpose and grew a 6-figure career & business inspiring people to reach for more. I can’t wait to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

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