10 Self-Care Tips To Thrive

It matters more than ever that we fill our own cups so that we are in a stronger position to help ourselves (and others if and when they need it).

Here’s what I’ve been doing to support myself during the current global situation.


In June 2018, I started a life-changing journey into the world of Ayurvedic medicine.

Through three 28-day intensive detox programs and 18 months of daily herbs and teas, I healed my body – from lethargic and burned out to 7kg lighter and FAR brighter. It was (is) by far the best thing I’ve done to recuperate my physical vitality and mental creativity (it also balanced my hormones).

With the risk to health going up now, I figured what better time to reconnect with the Ayurvedic principles that changed my life so dramatically. I’m taking my herbs (including immunity boosting ones), drinking detox teas, checking in with my Ayurveda doctor, and following the lifestyle more closely.


Studies have been done that show the immense power of journaling for creating emotional and mental well-being. Taking the time, even 10 minutes a day, to document our thoughts and feelings can help us to heal and move forward in life.

Naturally, being a writer, journaling one of my favourite self-care practices.

I use my journal as an open space to write down my thoughts, reflect on important questions, and find answers to questions. No matter what is happening in my life or what is happening around me, my journaling practice helps me stay centred and tune into the wisdom within me that guides me on what to do next.


Vitamin C is an incredibly powerful vitamin that supports our body’s immune system.

What most people may not know is that vitamin C also supports our adrenal functions. In fact, your adrenal glands have the highest concentration of vitamin C followed by the brain.

One of my health mentors – Delia McCabe (nutrition neuroscience researcher) – once taught me that the body can only absorb 500 mg of vitamin C at a time (per hour).

During the coronavirus outbreak, I have increased my dosage of vitamin C to up to 2000mg a day to keep my body well in my mind functioning optimally.


Never before have I appreciated blue skies and sometimes so much. I’m taking some time each day to simply enjoy the sunshine. I turn my face towards the light and let my body absorb the warmth.


Nature truly is one of the greatest healers. There’s something incredibly soothing about seeing the green trees and the blue sky and the clouds.

In a time where there is so much to change with the human race and the way we do life and the way we do business, taking even a few minutes each day just to be with nature has been so deeply soothing for me personally.

Breathing in the air and being with Mother Earth… so beautiful x


Enough said… I love immersing myself in the music that moves me. It’s helping to keep me connected to that delicious source of inspiration and wisdom within me.


I feel blessed to be staying with my man at his home at the moment – for so many reasons. Among those reasons is that he is sharing his gifts in the spiritual and physical realms with me.

He has 38 years’ experience in Martial Arts and is a Zen Yoga instructor as well as a personal trainer (an incredible man with many gifts).

So, each morning, we’re doing a workout (with my mother too, a cute class of 3) with stretching and breathing exercises. The goal is to bring flow and energy to the limbs and oxygen to the entire body.


I used to expect myself to be ‘on’ all the time. Then, after I experienced physical burnout in my late 20s (and got wiser and older!), I realized that equal amounts of downtime was not only useful but ESSENTIAL for my productivity.

When you have idle time, you give your unconscious mind time to process all of the information you’ve received, join the dots, and deliver solutions and ideas to you (those ones that pop in suddenly). We NEED downtime to be clear and powerful.

Downtime for me at the moment means listening to music, journaling, watching YouTube with my man, taking walks in nature, sitting in the sun chatting to my mum, extra cuddles in the morning and more x


Time-blocking is my number #1 productivity hack. After learning it in 2016 from the book The One Thing, I started implementing it – and my results skyrocketed.

By grouping similar tasks together, I could divide my time into blocks of 1-3 hours – depending on the task – and during those time blocks, GSD (get sh*t done!). It cleared my mind, helped me prioritize, and streamlined my business, ultimately making it more profitable than ever before.

The coronavirus situation hasn’t changed the need for that. In fact, it’s more important than ever as it helps me get on top and stay on top of the tasks that COUNT.


Connection is more important than it’s ever been, as we are being physically isolated for long periods of time.

But this connection is not only about making sure we stay connected with the people around us, but going within to connect with what is INSIDE us: our feelings, our inner voice, our wisdom, our hearts, our mental state, our spirituality.

A daily spiritual practice is a perfect avenue for this – and for helping us to find our center, no matter how crazy the storm around us might be.

From that place of clarity and calm, we know what to do and can move forwards powerfully.


From my heart to yours – stay well X


I'm Emily Gowor

After overcoming near-suicidal depression earlier in my journey, I turned my life around! I found my purpose and grew a 6-figure career & business inspiring people to reach for more. I can’t wait to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

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