You Deserve Your Dreams

In case you need to hear this today: you DESERVE your dreams.

You might be thinking you’re not capable of building the business you want – but you ARE. If you apply yourself and put your heart into your work, you can thrive.

You might be wondering if you’re worthy enough to share your message and gifts with thousands of people – but you ARE. If you speak and live from the heart, you can touch the world.

You might be doubting whether you can stand among the names of the greats, the people who have forever shaped humanity – but you CAN. If you care enough about other people to serve them, you can live a privileged life.

You might be questioning whether you can make a mark – but you were BORN to. If you work towards your vision every day and never lose touch with the deep and driving WHY for your work, you can inspire lives across the face of the planet.

There is NO rule in the book that says one human being is worthier than another.

Life didn’t put you on the planet and say, “Whoops, messed that one up.” You are EXQUISITE. EXTRAORDINARY. POWERFUL. FILLED WITH POTENTIAL. You truly are greatness waiting to bloom.

We all have gifts of equal value that we can contribute to the world – and be paid handsomely in exchange for.

We all have a voice worth sharing,
A talent worth developing,
A gift worth revealing,
A heart worth loving,
A face worth seeing,
A purpose worth fulfilling,
A mission worth conquering,
A presence worth experiencing.

This is the source of our wealth in life (our well-being): when we OPEN UP and let out what is inside of us.

When we stop doubting whether we deserve our dreams, and start focusing on how we can help others with what we know, with what we can do.

When we stop short-cutting our own success, and decide to bat for ourselves instead.

When we stop listening to the irrational voices inside our mind that criticize what we do at every turn, push them aside, and give our whole attention to the pursuit of MASTERY instead.

It makes my heart ache how much potential I see in people – and how stuck many are in moving forwards towards the business and life they dream of.

DECIDE that you won’t be one of those people.


Decide that you will stop holding onto that which makes you suffer,
That you will be courageous in the face of your obstacles – especially those that you encounter within you,
That you will fight harder for your goals than you will against yourself,
And that you will stop at nothing and let nothing stop you on the path to fulfilling your heartfelt vision.

You DESERVE your dreams.

I love you.
I believe in you.
I see you.

“Whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you are withholding from the world.” – Rumi 


I'm Emily Gowor

After overcoming near-suicidal depression earlier in my journey, I turned my life around! I found my purpose and grew a 6-figure career & business inspiring people to reach for more. I can’t wait to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

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