Wealth and health are similar. Why?
Because it is easier to set yourself up for the body and bank account you want now than to try and recover yourself from burnout and bankruptcy later on.
The effort required to set up a plan and follow it is far less than the effort required to bounce back from a hard fall (trust me, I’ve been there – on both counts).
And so, the discipline you need to take care of your food and finances today to create what you want tomorrow is, and will be, worth it.
Worth every decision you make to eat well, move well, and live well.
Worth every time you decide to add to your investments.
Worth every moment you sacrifice an indulgent habit for long-term vitality.
Worth every decision to do what you know is ‘right’ for your financial future.
Worth every chance you take to walk, move, and stretch your body.
Worth every challenge with learning how to package, sell and serve with your gifts.
Worth every opportunity to learn about how your physiology works and what it needs to thrive.
Worth every skill you need to develop to master a thriving business and wealth portfolio.
It’s not up to chance to create the health and wealth we would love: it’s up to us.
Every action we take either contributes to the outcome we want for our wealth and health – or it delays, prevents, slows down, or sidetracks it.
Those actions add up over time, like compound interest.
What they add up to, is in our hands to decide.
We are literally shaping our destiny – one moment and one decision at a time.
It’s not always easy, but the reward of knowing that you are going to LIVE and live well? It’s the ultimate payment for your effort:
The physical energy to do what you love – every day;
The finances to fund your inspiring work, projects, and pursuits,
The stamina to persist with your dream and fulfil your destiny,
The money to invest in yourself and what matters most.
The HEALTH and WEALTH you deserve.
Here are 10 steps you can take today to create what you want tomorrow (no matter where you are now):
1. Clean up your financial paperwork: get it tidy and organized so you know what is where.
2. Clean out your fridge: let go of those foods and fluids you know are harming you and find an alternative that you know your body loves.
3. Make a plan for your financial future: take the time to decide what you would love for your financial future, write the numbers down, and make a plan to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.
4. Schedule ‘me’ time into your calendar every day: take the time to walk, stretch, move, exercise, meditate, journal, and reflect. When you flow, your life flows.
5. Work with the best financial team you can find: financial assistants, accountants, and more. You don’t have to manage money and do this on your own, so find your financial dream team.
6. Invest in a detox program (you likely already know I follow Ayurvedic medicine and it has transformed my body many times; weight, energy, and hormones included).
7. Read the book Profit First by Mike Michalowicz: this book permanently changed my financial destiny with a simple but effective system (it’s a whole other post in itself!).
8. Create a sanctuary for yourself when you sleep at night-time: give yourself the space to rest deeply and prepare yourself for the next day of your life each night. Quiet, calm, relaxed.
9. Write a note of gratitude for the money you earn today, for the money you have earned in your life, and the money you will earn in the future (no matter how much you have, it’s serving and served you).
10. Write a note of gratitude for your body: regardless of how you feel about it right now, if you didn’t have a body, you wouldn’t be here on Earth at all. It’s your home… so love it.