Fulfil Your Purpose On Earth

It’s easy to let your dream fall to the side: to let what is within you become buried under a pile of adult responsibilities, logic, logistics, low priority to-do’s, and life challenges.





They all slow us down from doing what we know we would love to, inside our heart.

‘Urgent’ tasks we think are more important than working towards the vision we see for how our life can be,

Feelings that deceive us into believing that we are somehow less than another person, or that we lack the essence of human greatness at our very core,

Reasons that we think the odds are stacked against us and why what we dream of isn’t possible for us,

Fear that we aren’t enough, can’t do enough, or won’t achieve our potential.

If we are not conscious, they can get the better of us, and leave us standing in a position where we’ve lost touch with the beauty and magic of being alive.

The further you steer away from what you are called to do – every day – the more unfulfilled you will feel.

Your life will seem like a random series of events rather than the magnificent story of your purpose unfolding.

Overwhelm will kick in and it will become difficult to see past the obstacles in your path.

Life force will drain out of your body and your spirit will feel weighed down.

It happens all the time:

People giving up on themselves, giving up on their dreams, and letting their life become void of the depth and meaning we innately crave as human beings…

… people taking their gifts to the grave with them.


I KNOW that you don’t want to be one of them.

I KNOW you want much MORE for yourself – and then, more again.

I KNOW you want to let out what is inside you and touch the world with your presence.


It’s time to strip it all back: to strip away anything that pulls you away from your dream: the dream you are living for.

Ask yourself…

What would I LOVE to do with my life?

What do I feel I was BORN to do?

What purpose do I feel moved to fulfil?

Which calling moves me from deep inside my heart?

Listen carefully for the answer. Go deep within yourself, right to the core of your being, for the response. Don’t worry – it will be there, every time.

And then…

Follow it to the ends of the Earth, if that’s what is needed for you to make the most of your time here.


Because your calling is not only the WHY for every achievement you fulfil, but it is the reason WHY you were born.

The very pursuit of your purpose and expression of your highest gifts are why your life is essential on this planet: why you are here in this moment, on this day, in this moment in time.

If you ignore those nudges from within you and silence the voice that guides you to fulfil your destiny, you will feel empty inside.

As the days go by, the meaning, beauty, and colour of your life will begin to fade away, until you are left wondering what the point of being alive is.

But if you listen to them – and follow them fearlessly – every day of your existence on Earth will soon become one that you treasure.

THAT is what is available to you.

A life where your gifts are no longer locked inside your heart.

A life where you experience what a privilege it is to be who you are.

A life where you do what you love, every single day.

Remember: what your life looks like today is never what defines how your story unfolds, nor how it ends.

It ALL lies inside your willingness to follow your calling:

To do what you were born to do and become all that you were born to be as you do.

If you have the courage to listen to those quiet whispers, even when your life becomes so loud it’s deafening, and trust in them implicitly, then you will make the most of being alive and human.

You will set free the greatness within you,

Find the strength to overcome whatever challenges stand in your path,

Uncover the purpose and value of your life – to yourself and to those around you,

Discover just how talented, gifted, magnificent, and powerful you truly are.

And fulfil your soul’s calling on Earth.


I'm Emily Gowor

After overcoming near-suicidal depression earlier in my journey, I turned my life around! I found my purpose and grew a 6-figure career & business inspiring people to reach for more. I can’t wait to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

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