A Little Note About Money

It’s easy to get caught up in the hype of money and the chase for “more!” – especially with so many business trainers and coaches preaching ‘easy’ ways to make millions overnight.

But here’s the thing:

It’s not how much you make that matters… it’s what you DO with it that counts.

When I founded my company in 2013, I grew FAST and banked $100,000+ in the first 6 months. And, in the financial year that followed, I achieved my biggest revenue to date: $249,000.

That big high of banking my best number was soon accompanied by a crash; my equivalent of The Big Short.

While working harder than I ever had on my mission to inspire people, I paid myself very little from the business and saved less than 5% of the revenue I’d received – and the following year, I received a tax bill that nearly wiped me out.

A long road to my physical and financial recovery began as I tried to pull myself together to serve people every day without losing my love of what I do.

I was lacking 2 CRUCIAL things at the time:

1. The skills and knowledge on how to manage money well,
2. A strong foundation of SELF-WORTH.

I got to work on understanding the flow of finances in a company AND on building new respect and appreciation for myself.

There is no doubt that this was one of the toughest times in my life – BUT, it taught me some of the most powerful lessons I’ve ever learned about money that have shaped who and where I am today.

It taught me that we ALL deserve to be rewarded (WELL) for our gifts,
It proved to me that paying ourselves first has enormous power,
It showed me that purposeful money management is ESSENTIAL for creating the future you want,
It set me free from the hype around money.

I worked out what truly mattered to me, set goals that create the life that inspires me, and began building the foundation for my future from a new and empowered place.

(I now have more spreadsheets and financial systems than ever before, I pay myself first without fail, and I am on my way to building wealth.)

So, take it from my personal experience:

It truly ISN’T what you make that counts – it’s what you DO with it that determines your financial future.

Make today the day that you prioritize your well-being, master your money, and give yourself the future you deserve.

You are worthy of wealth x


I'm Emily Gowor

After overcoming near-suicidal depression earlier in my journey, I turned my life around! I found my purpose and grew a 6-figure career & business inspiring people to reach for more. I can’t wait to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

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