Overcoming ‘Comparison-itis’

We’ve all had moments of it in life: moments when we meet someone who we think has ‘more’ of something than we do.

Moments when we thought someone was richer than us, more successful than us, more attractive than us, more blessed than us, smarter than us, wiser than us… you name it.

Moments when we think that someone else has a better deal than we do – or that we are a ‘loser’ when placed alongside someone we think is further along the journey than us.

Moments when we have felt 2 inches tall when measuring our results up against another person’s.

Moments when ‘comparison-itis’ has gotten the better of us.

But here’s the thing – continuously comparing our entire life and self to a small part of someone else’s life like this only keeps us stuck and SMALL.

It’s a cost too great to bear, when the truth is that we are each BORN GREAT and have the potential to THRIVE.

So, here are 3 ways to overcome comparison-itis:

  1. Appreciate that we are each unique

No two people are ever the same. Our gifts are unique to us as individuals. We are each born into the world with a different purpose in mind.

Therefore, to compare one part of your life (e.g. your career) to someone else’s is actually futile – because a) you have come from two completely different backgrounds, and b) you are not heading for the same destination.

We are all on a different track to one another – and we are ALL NEEDED.

We each form a piece of the puzzle of the universe.

You have a unique job to fulfil on the planet; just by being YOU.

And, the more YOU that you are willing to be (instead of comparing to others or trying to change yourself to be more like someone else), the more your purpose will be fulfilled, and your entire life will flourish in the process.

  1. Write a (long) list of your gifts, talents, strengths, assets and power

Instead of shrinking away into the shadows of your mentors, your peers, your friends who you think are running ahead of you right now, find out where your own light is.

Look for your gifts. Ask the universe, God, and your soul to show you your strengths. Pray to connect more deeply with your purpose and to dive into the ocean of your inspiring vision.

If you do – as you do – you will realize that, truly, no one is like you and no one can replace you.

These quirks, these personality traits, your story: they are what make you who you are and no one else has the same blend as you.

You are a one-of-a-kind mix. You’ve been designed this way.

So, appreciate what you have and who you are. Fall in love with that, and you will see others more clearly without losing respect for yourself in the process.

  1. Stop looking over the fence at other people’s yards

Whatever it takes, learn to tend to your own garden (self) rather than obsessing over what plants (results and experiences) someone else is growing (creating).

If you have to un-follow some of your heroes or social media news feeds for a month to do it, then do it – because what will begin to happen as you channel all that precious, valuable energy and focus into your own life will be extraordinary.

You will heal. You will receive ideas. You will see solutions to problems. You will innovate. You will connect with new people in new ways. Your authenticity will shine.

Magic will start to unfold.

YOU are magnificent.

You ARE magnificent.


Don’t ever forget it X


I'm Emily Gowor

After overcoming near-suicidal depression earlier in my journey, I turned my life around! I found my purpose and grew a 6-figure career & business inspiring people to reach for more. I can’t wait to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

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