The Power Of A Journal & 3 Steps To Start Your Practice

Journalling is my most significant spiritual practice. Over the years, it has brought enormous value to my life. It is a potent tool for creating mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

If you’re feeling stuck or nervous about the idea of opening up on the page, don’t worry! I will walk you through 3 steps you can take to start your journalling practice.

But first, I want to share 3 reasons with you why I feel journaling is so powerful – and how it changes my life daily.

Reason 1: Writing is an extraordinary activity

Regardless of whether you are writing a blog or a book or if you’re just jotting notes down in your journal, writing gives us the chance to integrate the thought processes that happen inside our brain.

We all have busy minds – mine is like a disco party of thoughts sometimes – and so documenting everything that is on our mind on paper helps us to become present. It enables us to find clarity amongst the noise and make strong conclusions and decisions about what is happening in our lives.

Reason 2: It helps us to access deep wisdom

As we document our thoughts, the ideas flying around in our minds become integrated. Suddenly we can have “A-ha” moments where we a) find an answer to a question we had, b) gain a new perspective on a challenge, or c) know what to do to solve a problem.

Journalling provides us with the space to pour our feelings onto the page. It brings us back to our truth and allows us to access the answers we need. This alone makes it a profound practice to work with daily – and a reliable source of creativity and inspiration.

(Sidenote: Research has shown that many great leaders, from business to philosophy, carried a journal or notebook on their person. They recognised the power of writing their thoughts down to access deep wisdom.)

Reason 3: It is heart-opening

Our busy lives often mean that we live in our minds. Our thoughts fly around at a million miles an hour every day: what we need to do, where we need to go, what worked, what didn’t work.

It can get noisy – but when we take time to journal, it helps us to slow down. It gives us the chance to unwind our thoughts and connect with the true feelings we have about our current situation.

This can bring heart-opening experiences and deep, lasting healing to our lives. I have experienced countless moments where tears ran down my face while I wrote.

As well as these powerful benefits, it also decreases our stress levels by giving us the chance to let our feelings out instead of bottling them up inside of us for days, weeks, months, years or even decades.

There is no judgement when you journal. It’s a record just for you – and it’s there 24 hours a day. It is a sacred and safe space for you to be yourself, express what is within you, and find your way to the other side of whatever you are facing in your life today.

Here are 3 steps to starting YOUR journalling practice.

STEP 1: Digital or Handwritten?

Start your practice by choose your medium. I have used 2 primary methods for my journal over the years:

1. Digital journal
2. Bound notebook + handwriting

A digital journal might be a Word document or a program like Evernote. This can allow you to travel with your journal via your phone or laptop.

The other option is a bound notebook that you handwrite in – and it has many benefits. Holding a notebook is a deeply personal experience and it keeps your journal separate from the files and distractions on your computer.

The slower pace of handwriting can also slow your thinking process down and allow for deeper thoughts (interesting fact: handwriting stimulates 30,000 neurons in your brain, while typing only stimulates 6!).

TIP: If you do choose to handwrite, be sure to choose a journal you LOVE. The right paper type, colour, and cover design can make a world of difference.

STEP 2: Choose Your Journalling Time

To create a regular practice for yourself, choose the time of day (or week) you will devote to your journal.

I find that journalling is the most profound either first thing in the morning upon waking to capture the thoughts fresh, or at the end of the day before you sleep at night.

I recommend allowing at least 30 minutes to just “be” with your journal.

STEP 3: Start Writing!

Having a strategy for your journal practice can help you get in flow when you sit with the blank page. I use a variety of different “entry points” that help me to go within, open up, and start writing.

The following ideas can spark your inspiration to journal:

— Count your blessings

I start every session by counting my blessings. Gratitude is powerful for creating an extraordinary life, and so I make it a regular part of my practice. Take the time to write down what you are thankful for: relationships, the team who support you, a roof over your head, experiences you’ve had, opportunities you’ve received. Write until your mind is present and your heart is open.

— Write down the biggest question on your mind

I often use my journal to ask BIG questions about myself and my life. I write the question down. Then, I open it up to my higher mind and the universe to help me find the answer. The answer might come a week later – but it always comes.

— Capture profound comments or conversations

One of my favourite uses for journalling is to capture inspiring things someone said to me during the day. I will quote the person and then write my personal feelings or reflections about what they said. Example: If someone acknowledge a strength in me, I would write down what they said, then take a few minutes to reflect on it for myself.

— Write about significant moments

If you look for beauty, you will find it. So, using your journal as a place to document the significant moments of your life will help you to see and experience even more of them. What you focus on, you attract.

— Document personal realisations

Journalling provides us with a chance to cultivate our relationship between what is “out there” (the world around us) and “in here” (within our hearts and minds). Use your journal as a place to write about your personal epiphanies or breakthroughs.

— Write about what you want in life

A journal is a fabulous open space to explore your true desires in life. It will help you discover what is truly important to you. Spend time reflecting on about your visions, dreams, and goals. Ask yourself, “What do I truly want?” Then, write openly about the life you want to live.

— Document your dreams (and their meanings)

If you are a believer that our dreams have meaning, you can use your journal as a place to write down the key symbols from the dream and their meaning. Then, write about how you interpret them in relation to your life.

— Draw an oracle card

If you feel stuck with your journal and don’t know where to start, draw an oracle card out of a deck. Write down the meaning in your journal – and then write about how it relates to your life right now. Use it as a starting point!

— Write a prayer

I often use my journal to pray: to request something from the universe. I usually underline the word “Prayer” and then I write my prayer after it. Sometimes I pray for strength or a confirmation or sign. Other times the prayer might be as specific as: ‘Please provide me with clarity on the best teachings for my mastermind participants this week’

— Write your feelings and thoughts down

Of course, you can use your journal as a place to write about your thoughts and feelings. You might review the different areas of your life – mind, body, spirituality, career, business, financial wealth, health – and write openly about them.

What do you want to change?
How do you feel about where you are?
Where do you want to go?


The beauty of keeping a journal is that there are NO rules. There is no right or wrong approach to it. The power is in the act of doing it, not in getting it ‘right’. So, don’t be scared of the page. It is your safe, sacred space.

Use your journal as a practice for personal growth, resolving challenges, and unleashing your greatness into the world. Do it for YOU.

Remember: no one else will read this but you (unless you choose to share it) so this is a great opportunity to build your confidence as a writer.

Enjoy your journalling!


I'm Emily Gowor

After overcoming near-suicidal depression earlier in my journey, I turned my life around! I found my purpose and grew a 6-figure career & business inspiring people to reach for more. I can’t wait to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

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