Deep down in the very core of you, you KNOW that you are capable of being, doing, and having more in your life.
You know that you are worthy of it,
That you have so much more inside you yet,
That you are just warming up in fulfilling your purpose,
That you are not here to settle for an average existence,
That you are extraordinary in your very essence,
That you are only scratching the surface of what’s possible for you.
That knowing that you feel is the calling for greatness that exists inside each and every one of us.
No matter what twists and turns your life’s journey takes you on or where you might find yourself, that calling to be exactly who you are lives on, strong inside you.
The separation between where you are and where you would love to be will keep pulling at you, like a child tugging on your coat, vying for your attention, until you decide to do what you love every day.
Any misalignment between what you do daily and what your heart is calling you to do will continue to unsettle you until you decide to make time for what truly matters.
It never goes away – that yearning from your SOUL for a greater life.
That voice inside you never dies down – the one leading you to the fulfilment of your purpose on planet Earth.
Your heart never stops beating for your craft,
It never stops yearning for time spent on what you care about most,
It never stops aching for the pursuit of what inspires you.
The fastest path to the deep sense of meaning and a life full of significant moments is to give yourself over to that calling: the calling to devote your entire self to YOUR calling.
It is to give up ideas of what you think you are meant to do and surrender any reasons you think what you want can’t or won’t happen.
It is to believe more deeply in the possibility for your future than any pain or limitations of your past.
It is to LET GO – of fear, of doubt, of questioning yourself, of disbelief in your own dreams – and let what is INSIDE you, guide you.
It is to honour the quiet whispers that speak from your core – and follow them.
It is to allow yourself full immersion in what you feel you were born to do – without hesitation.
To feel your heart – and honour it.
This the doorway through which everything you dream of exists.
And that, is the life that you deserve.